Quỹ học bổng VYMUN - VYMUN scholarship fund

Hanoi, VietnamVietnamese Youth Cooperation Organization


Raised of $1,000 USD

Successfully funded on May 29, 2017
9 supporters


Select Reward
VYMUN's Friend

- Your donation will be recognized on our media channels
- You will be invited to our opening ceremony where you will receive our award for VYMUN's Friends


Select Reward
VYMUN's Hero

- Your donation will be recognized on our media channels
- You will be invited to our opening ceremony where you will receive our award for VYMUN's Heroes


Select Reward
VYMUN's Savior

- A special thank-you email sent to you
- Your donation will be recognized on our media channels
- You will be invited to our opening ceremony where you will receive our award for VYMUN's Saviors
