Sophia Unfolds is a budding community of awakening women who come together to create a field of support for one another and an awakening planet. We are creating a future in which women know how to nurture and support and empower one another.
We facilitate retreats, workshops, screenings, and other types of gathering where we create a space for women to deeply connect and to learn. We operate on a cooperative model bringing in many different
teachers to help us all grow in body/mind/spirit and to understand and value the power of the Feminine. We believe that women who invest in themselves, in their own transformation, will act as pebbles in the pond - creating unimaginable ripple effects.
Last year’s retreat’s topic was “A cross-generational dialog on feminine wisdom and leadership” which turned out to be an incredibly powerful event, as many of our testimonials, like this one, support. "The most powerful combination of enlightenment, feminine
energy and connectedness I have ever experienced!" This year’s retreat topic is “Igniting the Creative Flame”
The focus and intention of the 2012 retreat is to provide an experience in which we as individual women and as a collective tap into creativity as our divine expression.
Sophia Unfolds was created by a mother-daughter team, Mara & Andrea Evans. Mara is a transpersonal psychologist and Andrea recently graduated with a degree in International Relations, minoring in Gender
Studies. We are both passionate about understanding and empowering women and the Feminine in today's shifting world. To date, we have provided the scholarship funds requested for our events out of pocket. Many of the women who really want and need our circle
of support are in personal financial need.
A note about rewards coupons: Coupons are good for events and services through Sophia Unfolds, Arammai Services and Seventh Fire. Information on Arammai Services can be found at , Sevnth Fire is a brand new business that will be developing
events and services to soon be available, our website will be up in 2012 Coupons do not have an expiration date.