Sophia Unfolds 2012 Retreat Scholarships

Ann ArborSophia Unfolds


Raised of $500 USD

Successfully funded on Aug 05, 2012
14 supporters


Select Reward

You will be honored in our printed Retreat Program for participants

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Select Reward

All rewards at the previous level plus you will be honored on

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Select Reward

All rewards at the previous level plus receive a Sophia Unfolds mug

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Select Reward

All rewards at the previous level plus receive a
$25 gift certificate toward participating Sophia Unfolds, Arammai, or Seventh Fire events and services

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Select Reward

All rewards at the previous level, but instead you will receive a $50 gift certificate toward participating Sophia Unfolds, Arammai, or Seventh Fire events and services

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Select Reward

All rewards at the previous level, but instead you will receive a $75 gift certificate toward participating Sophia Unfolds, Arammai, or Seventh Fire events and services

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Select Reward

All rewards at the previous level, but instead you will receive a $100 gift certificate toward participating Sophia Unfolds, Arammai, or Seventh Fire events and services, PLUS
send yourself or someone dear to Sophia Unfolds 2013 Retreat at absolutely no cost!

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