The Second Chance Toy Story

SydneySecond Chance Toys NSW


Raised of $4,000 USD

Successfully funded on May 21, 2013
16 supporters


Select Reward

With our thanks, a twitter shout out and your name listed as a supporter on SCT's Website and Facebook page.

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Select Reward

The above reward and with much appreciation Second Chance Toys will send you a personal thank you card & sticker, because the truth is every bit counts.

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Select Reward

The $10 reward and with a huge thanks from the kids of Second Chance Toys, you will receive a personal thank you drawing from the children receiving toys.

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Select Reward

An invitation to visit The Bower at The Addison Community Centre Marrickville on our volunteer days to see the toy recycling work in action.

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Select Reward

You will be presented with an original painting by one of our Second Chance Toys kids. These paintings will be unique and used on our new website and video.

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Sold Out

With thanks you are now our official Silver Second Chance Toys Sponsor and will be featured on our website and all of our promotional material.

Select Reward

With sincere thanks and appreciation you are our Gold Second Chance Toys Sponsor and will be featured as such on our website, all promotional material and will be guest of honour at an official Second Chance Toys event to launch our website.

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