The 99Rise Movement Launches: Mass Civil Disobedience to End Dark Money
99Rise is building a nationwide nonviolent movement to free our democracy from the domination of Big Money
and win a government that truly serves the People. The first step in launching this nonviolent revolution to save our democracy is
a campaign of mass civil disobedience that begins in Los Angeles and New York City on
September 28th.
We will march on the Wall Street banks and shadowy non-profits like Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and the
US Chamber of Commerce that are flooding the election with "dark money" - the post-Citizens United secret, anonymous, unlimited political donations that are taking the corruption of our democracy by Big Money to a whole new level. There
will we demand that they disclose to the American people the truth about their secret political donations - and bring dark money into the light of public awareness. They will have to make a choice: come clean or have us all arrested and show
how far they will go to keep their corrupting money secret.
A huge majority of the public opposes dark money but our bought Congress has failed to reign it in. If enough of us are
willing to put our bodies and freedom on the line to defend our democracy we can dramatize and elevate the issue of Big Money's corruption of our democracy like never before. If
hundreds and even thousands will risk arrest - in what would be the largest American civil disobedience campaign of the century -
we can make this issue a major part of the media's narrative of the election and an issue that every candidate will have to take a public stand on.
Turning this election into a mandate for getting money out of politics is just the beginning of our strategy - but it's the key first step...
We are currently organizing in Los Angeles and New York to launch civil disobedience on 9/28 - but to ensure
that we break though into the national media we'll need to continue the actions, increase their size, and expand them to cities throughout America. To do that, we need money to keep our small organizing team going through October, hire more organizers, and
pay travel expenses to get them from city to city in their regions.