As teachers, we feel the frustration of teaching over 100 students a day with very little time to communicate regularly with each of their parents. Yet, this challenge needs to be
overcome because parent contact is essential to student performance—in fact, positive teacher support and high parent involvement can increase a student’s GPA by 2 whole points (i.e., 2.0 to 4.0).
Dash responds to this challenge by reinventing Client Relationship Management for education—the result is a data-conscious Parent Relationship Management system. Specifically, it is
an smartphone application that serves as a to-do list linked with parent phone numbers. This means that no more time is wasted making calls on one device and tracking on another. In a world of Dash, creating a daily speed dial to keep up with families is
easy, making positive calls home is irresistible, and getting a birds-eye view of a teacher's parent contact habits requires only the click of a button.
Dash allows teachers to make more frequent, well-informed, and meaningful calls to parents. We believe it will ultimately revolutionize the future of parent-teacher communications.
A team of three teachers, three technology experts, and specialists in marketing and finance are preparing for our initial launch at the end of April. Not only are we using our own
creative insights to make an intuitive app, but we are demoing the app to schools and teachers and allowing techers to test the app. We are taking their feedback to make the app as simple and useful as possible.
After our initial launch, we will then go back to the drawing board and get the app ready for next school year, when teachers around the country will have access to their own mobile
Parent Relationship Management system and will immediately being to affect millions of students.
Why It Matters
Our industry analysis shows that between 750,000 and 1 million teachers in the United States have an iPhone, and about 7 to 8 million students in the US have a teacher with an iPhone (later to increase when we expand into the Android marketplace). With
your help, we can immediately begin making a difference in the lives of millions of students across our country. And if those numbers aren’t big enough for you, we are concurrently making Dash available as a web platform, that is accessible to all 8 million
teachers and 60 million students in the United States. The potential is tremendous, and we have the momentum, a passionate team and a working prototype. Donate to Dash so we can make that potential a reality.