Unmanaged waste torments cities across the developing world. This pilot is the beginning of our efforts to change that.
Following our research in Lagos in January, we are returning to Nigeria to provide the first-ever recycling service in slum communities. Wecyclers gives low-income households a chance to recycle by providing convenient collection
services and offering incentives to participate. Households that recycle with Wecyclers receive redeemable points via SMS in exchange for the materials that they recycle. At quarterly redemption events, subscriber households will be able to redeem their points
for basic goods like food items, soap, and cell phone credit. We take the material that we collect and sell it to local recyclers.
From August through December 2012, Wecyclers will run a pilot recycling program in the community of Itire in Lagos, Nigeria. This pilot will allow us to test our SMS platform and our low-cost collection infrastructure to determine
how to run the Wecyclers’ service sustainably so that recycling services can be expanded to other communities in Lagos, and beyond.