Guidowel's First Primary School

GuidowelGuidowel School


Raised of $8,000 USD

Successfully funded on Oct 31, 2014
49 supporters


Select Reward

Personalized email updates about the school

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Select Reward

Above reward + a video thank you from the children of Guidowel.

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Select Reward

8x10 photo print of the village/school (mailing time 2 months)

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Select Reward

Personalized thank you card + 8x10 photo print of the village/school.

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Select Reward

Card + 11 x 14 photo print of the village/school + personalized video (allow 2 months).

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Select Reward

Card + beautiful hand made Dogon indigo blue blankets + your name on key donors list (allow 2 months mailing time).

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Select Reward

Card + gorgeous hand carved wooden Dogon door for traditional granaries + your name on key donors list (allow 2 months malling time).

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Select Reward

Personalized video from the village chief + tree planted in your name at the school + your name on the key donors list.

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