Getting Girls Out of Brothels One Book at a Time

SanteeTraveling Stories


Raised of $1,350 USD

Successfully funded on Mar 31, 2013
57 supporters


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Twitter mention by @trvlingstories!

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Your name will go on a label on the inside flap of a book going to the Philippines. Every time a kid reads that book, they'll think of you! + twitter mention.

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Picture of one of the new libraries in the Philippines + your name in a book + twitter mention.

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Postcard every month this year with a picture and story from one of Traveling Stories' projects + picture of one of the new libraries in the Philippines + your name in a book + twitter mention

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We'll dedicate a day at the Story Tent to you or your business. For example, if Mike Smith donated we could celebrate '"Mike Smith Day". As part of this celebration we'll post a sign letting everyone know it is Mike Smith Day. We'll also read your favorite children's books and plan activities in your honor. Your day will be publicized through Traveling Stories' social media. Plus you'll receive a book of pictures made by the children during your Day at the Story Tent + your name in a book + twitter mention.

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We'll create a scholarship in your name that sends one student in Nicaragua to college or trade school for a year! + picture of the student benefiting from your scholarship + quarterly updates on the students progress + your name in a book + twitter mention.

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Naming rights of one of the libraries and a sign in the library with the name you chose + picture of your library + your name in a book + twitter mention.

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