Enterprise Learning Projects is a part of the Dreamstarter initiative. Funded by ING DIRECT Australia, Dreamstarter provides support to selected StartSomeGood campaigns to help them reach their fundraising goals. Learn more
about the social entrepreneurs and campaigns they support at
Who We Are
Enterprise Learning Projects
(ELP) works in partnership with remote Aboriginal communities to develop inclusive, creative and sustainable enterprise-based initiatives that support family and community goals.
Our Story
Established in October 2012, ELP has been working to fill the gap in support available to people in remote communities who have aspirations to become more self reliant through enterprise. We see exciting
new enterprises emerge in the remote communities where we work in QLD, WA, SA and NT, and we continue to meet people who have a desire to share their culture through the medium of business. From
the seed of an idea to piloting and facilitating specialist support, ELP works with individuals and communities to bring their ideas to life.
Our Project
Enterprises need markets in order to survive and grow. Remote communities are isolated from mainstream markets, and entrepreneurs in these areas face additional challenges in connecting with potential customers.
The enterprises we work with have asked ELP to develop this online marketing platform to assist them with the sale of their products.
Having a web presence and the ability to conduct sales via the internet will enable remote enterprises to tap into larger markets, increase their revenue and grow their businesses.
The service will include the development of an online store that will enable remote enterprises to leverage the benefits of being profiled on a site dedicated to the marketing of products and services produced by
residents of remote Aboriginal communities. The online store will also enable consumers from wider Australia to connect with remote businesses and obtain products they would not be able to purchase otherwise.
Why This Matters
Wider Australia and the rest of the world are missing out! There are amazing and unique products being produced in remote Aboriginal communities – soaps, photos, calendars, t-shirts, sculptures,
drawings, postcards, prints, bags and digital media products, just to name a few.
People living in remote Australia are passionate about sharing their culture and using their traditional knowledge to produce contemporary items. The
online store will provide an avenue for consumers to interact with these producers, enabling the creation of new relationships that are mutually beneficial. Australia is privileged to have the
oldest continuous living culture in the world. Remote Australia is reaching out and
offering you an opportunity to celebrate and share in this – let’s work together to bring the first online store for remote Aboriginal entrepreneurs into existence.