Intrinsic motivation is the key to success! The C.O.R.E. Academy is designed to help children build intrinsic motivation through 4 key elements: Confidence, Ownership, Relevance and Engagement. The development of student motivation is fostered in an outdoor
environment through a combination of martial arts, outdoor education, community service and creative expression. The C.O.R.E. Academy is located on over 200 acres of privately owned wooded property in Locust Grove, GA. We have implemented all of the components
of the C.O.R.E. Academy program independently within the context of our individual coaching and teaching work. The C.O.R.E. Academy will combine all of these elements into one comprehensive program in one central location. We will serve children who are,
for whatever reason, lacking motivation in their life, whether it be academic, athletic or an overall unmotivated approach to life. The C.O.R.E. Academy will serve children with varied ability levels and socio-economic backgrounds, therefore we will have
specific sessions targeted for specific groups of children, including refugee groups and children with specific types of learning disabilities.