I read something this past year that opened my eyes to a tragedy. It was written by
Rory Young on Quora.com. He wrote,
"Entire species are going extinct right now in an uncontrolled killing frenzy by poachers. A result of the sickening and fast spreading practice of poachers poisoning waterholes. Very, very soon there will only be elephant graveyards to be seen and
no more living elephants."
"The money generated by poaching is used to fund extremist groups and ruthless criminal organizations all over the world. There are direct links between poachers and drug, weapons and other traffickers. This is not just a problem "over there." It affects
us all."
Reading that innocent creatures were being slaughtered by criminals brought out the protective mother instinct in me,
I could never stand by and watch bullying of children or helpless animals. This was so much worse than bullying. I saw pictures in the media of the elephant carcasses strewn everywhere, families dead in groups. Tiny calves
laying dead against their mothers.
I'm a married mom of two boys and I live in the Midwestern United States, what could I possibly do to stop elephant poaching in Africa? I introduced myself in a message to Rory Young and asked if I could help.
He said they were badly in need of everything and even a small amount of funding could make a big difference.
I created a nonprofit organization called Chengeta Wildlife and asked friends of Rory Young on Quora.com to join. Our board members are from ten different countries. It is a beautiful thing to be united in a cause with people from around our world. It shows
that it doesn't matter where you live or what your culture, religion, age, sex, or ability is.
Absolutely anyone, anywhere can get involved and make a difference.
Chengeta Wildlife is run entirely by volunteers and so far 100% of our overhead costs such as video production and legal fees to create Chengeta Wildlife have been underwritten by our board members. That means your donations go directly
to where they are desperately needed.
Who is R