The Better Democracy Charter

Sydney, AustraliaEamonn O'Flaherty


Raised of $5,600 AUD

Successfully funded on Jul 01, 2016
124 supporters


Select Reward
Helping me with this crowdfunding campaign

Not only would you like to contribute to the Charter, you've time and passion to be involved in making it a reality. I would love, love to have your help in making this come together.

It could be as simple as telling a few friends about it or talking to strangers about it; right through to helping me with logistics or heading up local Chartist groups where you live.


Select Reward
Awesome Friend

All you want is to help me - you know me and you've got faith in me! Thank you so much for helping me out. I'm moved that all it took was my request and you were there for me. I'll thank you profusely online and in person.


Select Reward
Ticket to the Convention

You're interested in helping our democracy and would like to shape the Charter and the campaign. Thank you - I'd love your support. You have my thanks and I'd love to have you be part of the discussion and voting, either online or in person.


Select Reward
Help me go vegan

I've decided to give veganism a serious go during that three month time period, and if that is something you'd like to support and keep me accountable to, please select this reward. You'll have regular updates from me and I'll be in available if you've any tips and advice.
