Weaving for a Sustainable Future

ToliaraHonko Mangrove Conservation and Education


Raised of $600 USD

Successfully funded on Jul 30, 2014
24 supporters


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Heart-felt thank you e-mail from Honko and the Mamelo Honko women's association

500 left

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Personal Videogram – We will send you a personal videogram of an association member saying “Misaotra betsaka!” (Thank you!) and what your contribution means to them!

200 left

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A hand-written postcard sent from Ambondrolava, featuring handmade artwork created by a local artist

99 left

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A handwoven money purse (pictured below) or bracelet, complete with a tag introducing you to the woman who made it!

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A small handwoven purse (pictured below), complete with a tag introducing you to the woman who made it!

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A large handmade purse with unique design woven from reeds (pictured below), complete with a tag introducing you to the woman who made it!

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"Wacky for Weaving" - we will immortalize your contribution in writing on the association's shop front, and send you a personalized, hand-embroidered wall hanging.

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