Using Improv to Save the World

Harrow-on-the-HillMaffick Ltd


Raised of £6,000 GBP

Successfully funded on Apr 18, 2014
39 supporters


Select Reward

A warm 'thank you' email from me.

1097 left

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A postcard from the ‘road’ - from one of the countries that you’ve helped me get to.

485 left

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I’m going to send to you a special, personalized ‘love poem’ of gratitude.

244 left

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Send me a photo of your face, I will print it out and take a photo of me with your face next to mine, and send it to you to show that we are on this trip together.

150 left

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A copy of my book (when it’s published), with a special love note of gratitude from me.

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Select Reward

15 minute skype call together on some aspect of using improv to save the world, plus a copy of the book (when it's published).

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Select Reward

1 hour skype call together consultancy/improv experience design support, plus a copy of the book (when it's published).

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Select Reward

Half day with me (virtually or in-person if in same place at mutually convenient time) for consultancy or ‘turn up and do’ workshop, plus a copy of the book (when it's published).

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Select Reward

1 day consultancy project (virtually or in-person if at the same place at a mutually convenient time) for consultancy or a ‘turn up and do’ workshop, plus a copy of the book (when it's published).

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1 day consultancy project/workshop in person. I’ll fly in to deliver something amazing that we co-create together with 2 days development time, plus a copy of the book (when it's published).

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