Reconnecting Generations

MelbourneSenior Techies


Raised of $6,000 AUD

Successfully funded on Sep 30, 2014
22 supporters


Select Reward

We will give you a shout out on our Twitter, Facebook & Crowdfunding page to thank you for your donation and commitment to help us ensure that no senior gets left behind

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Select Reward

We will post your name/company name on all our social platforms and website Key Supporters wall with the link your organisation and two line Bio of your company's work. One of our youth trainers will also pen you a personal thank you letter and mail it to you to show their appreciation of your support in helping them make a positive difference to the lives of their local seniors

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Select Reward

A senior with the support of their youth trainer will both record a personal thank you to you/ your organisation, load it onto YouTube and share it private with you at one of our events.

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Items from above rewards and in conjunction with our friends at Lovin Summer you will receive a Lovin Summer retro beach tent in a choice of colours, delivered to anywhere in Australia only for free!

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Senior Techies will offer your company or organisation the opportunity to present your app to an upcoming Senior Techie event. We will give you 20 mins at the end of an event to demo your product or service and get feedback from the selection of seniors after the Event. For future events we will preload your company’s apps on our demonstration iPads

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