Our Story
School of Breaking is the first Breakdance and Hip-Hop studio in Aurora, CO. We've been teaching classes at our studio and in several local schools and libraries for the past 4 years.
We have witnessed how breakdance improves the lives of all kids. Breakdance ties the physical fitness of sports with a love of music and a creative outlet. Students develop better focus in class, learn to appreciate hard work, and improve their self-esteem. Plus, breakdance is cool- so it's easy for kids to get engaged!
Our Project
We currently run our after-school programs in just a few school buildings, but our vision is to bring these programs to schools across the state, transforming the lives of thousands of kids! But in order to receive wide-scale funding, we need to prove to the district administrators that our program works.
To accomplish this, we are raising funds for a 20-week pilot program in 4 schools. During this time, we will evaluate our impact through interviews and surveys of participating students and their parents.