Save Mothers and Babies from Death in West Nile

Kampala Uganda, UgandaPeter Odama


Raised of £33,605 GBP

Fundraising ended on Jan 31, 2021
3 supporters


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Thank you Card

We will send you thank you e-Card for appreciating your support with a baby and mom's photo


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Group Photos and Video

Appreciation thanks giving to you as a donor and supporting community, with group photos from the beneficiaries who are mothers and babies and video clips mentioning you as donor


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Virtual Conference

We will invite you for conversation in the conferencing remotely with our team where you can easily interact with our mothers holding their babies through zoom or other available video conference and personal phone conversation with the beneficiaries


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We will send you a token of appreciation of WAF branded T-shirts with inscription "Donated to save babies and Moms" buying more T-shirts will increase changes of saving the balance from the funds to be used to help the moms and their babies during labor time to buy materials during and while at the hospital


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We will make news and send our news letter link from journalists with your names featuring only periodical newsletters and national news bulletins and you will permanently be remembered in Google news feeds. This is due to the support you have done to save the mothers and babies to exist, it's because you care, they are existing


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Art and Crafts Products

We will send you an impressive African Cultural Art and Craft product from the variety of your choice, these arts and crafts are some times made by women to support their family and feed their in buying milk for their babies, access treatment and transport to the hospital.


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Adventure and Volunteer

We will invite you to volunteer within the communities to help in home care training of mothers, nutritional training and hygiene to avoid infection to the expecting mothers or new babies.

And after a refreshment tour for extra relaxation we will book you to see and enjoy the wilderness, as Uganda is known to be the Pearl of Africa. We will sponsor you after the arrival to the two national games, mountain gorilla trekking and other animals and birth watching, free transport, and book hotels and enjoy local food and visit communities
