Explore Indigenous Projects
The Arctic Ice is shrinking, fast. We CAN do something about it! Help us design and supply machines to the Sami and Inuit that will preserve the sea ice & permafrost.
Tucker Bush helps schools around WA plant and grow their own native edible gardens. We provide educational resources for a fruitful teaching & learning environment.
Help our families to come together for Sorry Business on Palm Island
Preserving the culture of the Arhuaco, an indigenous group in Colombia, by building three Kankurwa’s (traditional institutions for the formation of indigenous leaders)
This campaign is to plant 3,000 acres of hemp as the start of providing medicine to the earth. Hemp is the medicine the earth needs to heal. There is no PLANET b.
Providing dignity, conversation and compassion to women in our communities through a Bra Gifting Morning Tea.
Inviting you to respond to the cries of relief against hunger for displaced people in Minembwe
Support the local community in Vanuatu by re-packaging their handmade goods and handicrafts through fair trade.
Enable the Batak Tribe of Palawan, Philippines, to use their traditional bamboo craft skills to achieve economic self-sufficiency.