J-COLLABO (http://j-collabo.org/) is a 501 C3 non-profit organization
founded in 2008 to promote activities between Japan and the U.S. in order to deepen their mutual understanding. Since it’s launch, J-COLLABO has held thirteen events and performances featuring collaborations with various artists to present Japanese culture
from exciting new perspectives. Our website features interviews with some of the most famous and important Japanese personalities in the world today and introduces places where visitors can experience real Japanese culture. The resulting interest in our organization
has generated over 100,000 unique page views to date. In the winter of 2013, J-COLLABO moved it’s operations to Park Slope, Brooklyn from Chelsea, New York City and has begun developing new programs focused on education and support for new and emerging artists.
All of J-COLLABO’s activities are made possible by the generous donations of our supporters and we hope to realize our two new programs with your support in this fundraising campaign.
J-COLLABO’s new programs are as follows:
Program1: J-EDUCATE
J-COLLABO has been developing new educational programs. We have been holding classes for the instruction of many Japanese cultural activities such as; Manga, Shakyo (Japanese Calligraphy), Shojin Ryori (Japanese Vegetarian Cuisine), Tate (Japanese Sword Fighting
Performance), Keigo (Japanese Formal Customs), Origami, Reiki (Japanese Spiritual Healing) and traditional Japanese fermented food making at J-LABO Brooklyn. We plan to add trial classes in Japanese language this fall and with your support, we will officially
launch our educational programs in the spring of 2015. So far, we have conducted our educational programs at the Queens Library and at the Tenri Cultural Institute. We plan to offer them at facilities for the elderly and disabled this fall. We are also developing
a summer camp program in Okuizumo, Shimane, Japan for Summer 2015, providing children from New York the opportunity of experiencing Japanese culture. We would greatly appreciate your support for J-EDUCATE.
Program 2: J-SPECTRUM
J-COLLABO plans to launch open call events in spring 2015 for artists and performers of various disciplines and create a new artistic community in Brooklyn. J- Spectrum is to explore and find unique talents, support their art works, inspire our community,
and as we provide the place to keep discovering a reason to live for both artists and audiences. This seasonal program starting in March 2015 is also designed for various emerging, current and future artists who believe their mission as an artist to express
their own voice and vision to the world. J-collabo also provides the awards to the artists who bring its potential into the work.
Moreover, it's important for our society to understand each other how other people see the arts and how we evolve together to share the moment at J-LABO Brooklyn. Consequently, J-spectrum is a significant creative place we all can raise our motivation through
positive communications and experiences for the bright future. We would be most grateful for your generous donations to help support J- SPECTRUM.