''Horse Powers from the Land of the Vikings'' is a feel good documentary film exploring the close bonds between horses and humans. The therapeutic benefits of being with horses is a main theme of the film. By joining the crew of Horse Powers you can help Nico the Norwegian war veteran get relief from PTSD by coming to the veterans/horse bonding programs only offered in the USA.
Nico has been invited to programs in New York & Arizona. With the crew filming him there, we can show all of Norway and America how horses help veterans. Norwegian (TV2) and U.S. public television (PBS) have signed up to broadcast when Horse Powers is ready in December. Join Us!
Norwegian army war veteran 'Nico' in Afghanistan -he hasn't smiled much since coming home. :(
Our Project
Nico, one of our most important real-life subjects in Horse Powers, is a Norwegian war veteran with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) who served in Afghanistan fighting alongside the American forces against the Taliban. We're producing the documentary film series: ''Horse Powers from the Land of the Vikings''. We need to bring Nico to WarHorse in Saratoga, New York- a place that matches retired race horses with veterans to 'reconnect the circuits' that have been damaged by PTSD. Nico and the production team thinks connecting with these race horses plus being with the U.S. veterans will help him. To view a 2 minute ABC news segment with Diane Sawyer on WarHorse in Saratoga click the following: Saratoga WarHorse Healing Veterans.
Nico and 'Horse Powers' film project needs your help bringing him to Saratoga WarHorse. There's no such program in Norway and no budget for filming outside of Norway. Help Nico and the race horses that heal by becoming a contributing film crew member of Horse Powers.
Horse Powers Welcomes You To Join The Film Crew - Simply click support this project or the rewards on the right. Helping one veteran, helps many.
Our Team
Jon - Our Producer at Norway's 'Viking Ship' Speed-skating venue with one of his films ''Speed Grace Glory'' on the history of speed-skating in Norway. Later, Jon was inspired to produce ''Horse Powers from the Land of the Vikings'' since every time his wife came home from riding her horse, Fargo, she had a big smile on her face. Her special bond with Fargo is the inspiration for the film.
Anja - Our Director of Photography and Co-Producer with Tofi the Shetland pony. Anja is also a super multi-cam director and former dance choreographer. Tofi visits nursing homes (outside, in the summer, of course;) in Norway and is sometimes the star attraction at little girls birthday parties.
Eva - Our intrepid Project Leader & Camerawoman with Jan & Norwegian working horse in -22 .
Learn More
Visit our website: https://vikinghorsepowers.wordpress.com/
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/horsepowerstv/