There are few places to go for the many homeless, addicts and abused in Trinidad. The Hope Center is a vision to provide a Christ centered recovery home for people in need offering free care, rehabilitation and work opportunities to help people regain their
lives physically and spiritually. The center focuses around a farm environment where food is grown and work opportunities exist to allow the center to be self sustaining in the long term. Pastor Rodney Jaggernauth has been working with local communities for
many years now in Trinidad and God has placed this vision on his heart to bring into reality. This fundraiser looks to help establish the center on it's own land in Trinidad allowing a long term building and farming strategy to be embarked on.
Providing food in the local community.
Through local community involvement and the support of several churches in the area the home's need and support base has grown and informal support is already provided to several families through sharing other's facilities.
Raising awareness of the help available to people.
Rodney has assembled a board of directors from different walks of life including finance, marketing, project management etc to help support and guide him in operating the centre wisely, effectively and with excellence.
Pastor Rodney with one of his board members and fundraisers.