Help save The Hip Hop School of Arts

PomonaThe Hip Hop School of Arts


Raised of $150,000 USD

Fundraising ended on Jun 15, 2015
4 supporters


Select Reward

Recognized on our Contribution Wall

2999 left

Select Reward

8 Weeks Free Entry for Practice

1000 left

Select Reward

16 Weeks of Free Entry for Practice

1000 left

Select Reward

2 Tickets to our next Concert w/Autographs

150 left

Select Reward

The above award and 2 Hour Recording Studio Session

20 left

Select Reward

The above award and 4 Hour one-on-one workshop in the style of Dance of your choice

10 left

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Recognized as a sponsor on HHSA Webpage for 6 months

50 left

Select Reward

Apparel from our Sponsors: LA Players Hoodie, LA Players Shirt, Doc 43 shirt, Doc 43 Hat

25 left

Select Reward

One Year Membership for 1 Person: Access to Facility during open hours, discounts to attend HHSA events and discounts to use any of the dance and recording studios

150 left

Select Reward

One Year Membership for 2 People: Access to Facility during open hours, discounts to attend HHSA events and discounts to use any of the dance and recording studios

150 left

Select Reward

Customized HHSA Shirt with your name by Sergio Rueda and 8 weeks Free Entry for Practice, 4 Hour one-on-one workshop, 2 Hour Recording Studio Session

100 left

Select Reward

Free entry to all HHSA Events and Practices for 1 Year, 4 Hour one-on-one workshop, 2 Hour Recording Studio Session

150 left

Select Reward

One-on-One Dance Lesson, Customized HHSA Shirt by Sergio Rueda and One Year HHSA Membership

75 left

Select Reward

One of the above Rewards of your choice and a Customized 11"x17" Portrait of your name by an HHSA Professional Artist. Air Force Crew performs at your next event with SoCal

15 left

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One of the above Rewards of your choice and a Custom 4x4 Ft. Canvas art piece by Sergio Rueda

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