is an organization with a single purpose. We promote the HR 2990 full employment act with the intent to get it passed. It may not be blatantly obvious or even common knowledge but our financial infrastructure is on an unsustainable and dangerous
trajectory. If we don't do something to change the system we will continue on a path where more wealth is concentrated in fewer hands. There will be less cash flow for currently underfunded sectors of the economy like infrastructure, education and healthcare.
The quality of life for the middle class in America will continue to decline while technology continues to present more opportunities for improvements. We have the resources and the technology to improve our standard of life while living within the means
of the planet. All it takes is the right organization and the right kinds of action. The only thing holding us back is an inadequate and outdated financial infrastructure. There is a solution in the palm of our hands and it is the HR2990 full employment
act that is now in congress. If we get the message tol enough people we can vote for a congress that will pass this reform. This will put us on a path of full employment and sustainability.