Hi! I'm David, and I'm the founder, owner and manager of Groundhog Gardens!
I live and farm in the Eastern Townships of Québec, a beautiful region with a long agricultural history. Townshippers and Québécois folks in general pride ourselves on our high-quality local foods. We are also becoming more and more aware of the importance of ecologically grown and certified organic food, both for our own health and that of the ecosystems we rely on.
And yet, only 30% of the organic food that is consumed in Québec is actually grown here. The rest is imported from as far afield as California, Mexico, and South America.
That's what I am starting Groundhog Gardens, a small-scale, biointensive market garden that will increase the availability of locally produced, organic vegetables and herbs for the Bromont and Montreal communities. We can only change the food system if we are willing to pick up a pitchfork and grow better!
For the next 10 years (at least!), I will be dedicating my life to maintaining and improving the plot of land that I have chosen to call Groundhog Gardens (check out the cute logo below). I will be building the soil of the farm using ecologically sound inputs like compost, manure, alfalfa meal, and a diversity of cover crops, all so that my vegetable babies can transform soil, water, and sunlight into nutrient-packed produce for the Montreal and Bromont communities.
I will be selling my produce via farmstands on the farm site and in Montreal, as well as via a Community Supported Agriculture program—or veggie baskets, as we like to call them in Québec. Here some examples of the veggie baskets I produced in 2019 as the Market Gardening Manager of Abbondanza Farm:
My goal at Groundhog Gardens is to continually refine my growing techniques by consulting with other local farmers and keeping up to date with agricultural research so that my farm's soil can sequester carbon and support my crops in withstanding the alternation of droughts and intense precipitation that are expected to become the new climate normal in our area. I also hope to work with seedsavers across my bioregion to find and develop vegetable cultivars that are ever more adapted to our local conditions.
Climate-change induced crop failures and the current health crisis have demonstrated that we need more resilient alternatives to our globalized food system. Sustainable farming starts at home!
Growing vegetables in southern Québec presents a number of challenges. The growing season is short-- 120 to 140 frost-free days on average at the altitude and coordinates where I will be growing. That makes it hard to compete with the year-round abundance of vegetables imported from sub-tropical and mediterranean climates.
The increasing unpredictability of the weather also presents a whole new set of challenges for growers in our climate. This year, we had two heatwaves before the summer solstice, something which has never happened here before.
Growing in our cold climate all while adapting to this new climate reality requires significant infrastructure-- and that's where you come in!
I need your help to fully finance my farm start-up! To ensure I can successfully grow food for my local communities, I have several big investments to make, including:
A HEATED GREENHOUSE where I can start my transplants to get a jump on the season. Transplanting 3 to 6-week old plants as soon as the snow melts and the soil warms, rather than direct seeding those crops, means I have marketable produce that many weeks earlier in the season.
FIELD TUNNELSthat allow for season extension in the spring and the fall. With the extra protection against frost that moveable metal arches with layer of polyethylene plastic on top provides, I can plant out heat-loving crops up to two weeks earlier and nurse harvests of cold-weather crops far into November or even December. Check out the photo below to get an idea of what field tunnels look like.
A SOLID IRRIGATION SYSTEM, including sprinkler and drip-tape irrigation options, will allow me to ensure rapid and uniform germination of direct-seeded crops and to nurse all my crops through dry spells and droughts. I am lucky to have access to a very large irrigation pond on my growing site, which will allow me to irrigate my crops optimally for high yields-- as long as I have the right irrigation equipment.
I have dedicated the last 5 years of my life to learning the ropes of successfull vegetable farming at 5 different farms in southern Québec. Unfortunately, the economic reality of farming means that all of my farm employment experience was remunerated at or close to minimum wage. That's why I need your financial help: your contribution will help me invest in the equipment I need so I can reinvest in my local community's health, without taking on a crushing debt load. You give so I can give back :)
If you'd like to learn more about the farm before giving, you can visit groundhoggardens.com. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram too!
Use Of Funds
$12,000 Tipping Point Goal
The money this crowdfunding campaing raises will go toward the following essential infrastructure:
A HEATED GREENHOUSE total contribution needed: $6,000
The greenhouse will be built out of a steel frame covered in a double layer of polyethylene for heat rentention. The heat source will be a propane furnace, and it will house a heated germinaton table, tables for seedling trays, a water tank and jet pump for watering the transplants, and storage and work space for potting mix, compost, and empty seedling trays . I have already purchased a used greenhouse frame in excellent condition. For the new sheets of polyethylene, the furnace, and the other items mentioned above, I will need $6,000.
FIELD TUNNELStotal contribution needed: $4,000
These moveable, 3-season structures are also made out of a steel frame, covered with a single layer of polyethylene to help trap and retain heat generated by that giant furnace in the sky-- the sun! Two 100' x 17' field tunnels will allow me to extend the growing season of hot-weather crops including tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers by up to 4 weeks. Les Serres Guy Tessier, the foremost manufacturer of field tunnels in Québec, has submitted a quote totalling $4,000 for these two tunnels.
A SOLID IRRIGATION SYSTEMtotal contribution needed: $2,000
Water is life-- for us and for veggies. A flexible and reliable irrigation system, including sprinkler and drip irrigation options, is essential to ensuring successful crop production in these days of climate change. Drought has been a near-yearly occurence during the growing season in southern Quebec since 2016. Making sure my crops can survive and thrive even in adverse conditions is the key to making locally and ecologically produced food reliably available to my communities. The irrigation specialists at Dubois Agrinovation, an agricultural equipment company based in Québec and renowned throughout North America, have designed an irrigation system that will meet my needs for my first growing season and that will cost $2,000.
$20,000 Stretch Goal
With your help raising $12,000, I will be able to get Groundhog Gardens off the ground.
But with $20,000, I can make it fly.
This is what the additional funds will go toward:
A THIRD FIELD TUNNELtotal contribution needed: $2000
A third field tunnel will allow me to grow more cool-weather crops in the fall for abundant late-season harvests. With this equipment, I will be able to extend the number of weeks in my CSA season, to provide more people with local food for a longer season.
18" ROTOTILLER FOR MECHANICAL WEEDING total contribution needed: $2000
With a further $2000, I can purchase an 18" rototiller for my BCS. A BCS is a two-wheel tractor that you push to operate, and which has a power take off that can be used to power many different implements to prepare and maintain vegetable beds. The rototiller implement will allow me to quickly and efficiently weed the pathways between my permanent beds. This will result in significant time savings over weeding the alleys with hand tools, which frees up time for value-added activities like trialing new crops and cultivars to make sure I'm offering only the best vegetables to my community.
MEETING MY LONG-TERM IRRIGATION NEEDStotal contribution needed: $4000
If you help me meet my stretch goal, you will ensure that I am able to finance enough irrigation equipment to properly water all of my plots as my production increases in line with my 5-year business plan. If all goes well (as I believe it will :) ) I will double my growing area in my second season of production (2022). That means I will need twice as many sprinklers and drip tape lines to make sure my crops get the water they need, and a pump that is properly dimensioned for this increased surface area.
I'm SO happy that we have exceeded our base goal of $12,000 by over $2,000! Thank you all so so much for your generous contributions to the campaign. The Gardens would not be taking off without you.
In these last 10 hours, it would be amazing if we could get the total figure up to $15,000, or even $16,000, so the Gardens can invest in a third field tunnel and more irrigation equipment.
So, it's not too late to reach out to a few friends and spread the word. But more importantly, thank you ALL for what you have given to the Gardens! Even more than the money, the community support for the project is incredibly inspiring :)
All the best,
Bonjour tout le monde !
Ce n'est pas seulement l'élection américain qui est en jeu aujourd'hui, sinon la campagne de sociofinancement des Jardins de la Marmotte ! Rien que 10 heures de plus avant la fermeture de la campagne à 20h ce soir du 4 novembre !
Je remercie infiniment tout le monde qui a contribué à la campagne à date, vos dons nous ont permis de DÉPASSER notre cible de base de 12,000 $, et ce de quelques 2,000 $ ! Ce n'est pas rien ! MERCI!
En ces dernières heures, ce serait vraiment incroyable qu'on atteigne les 15,000 $, voir même les 16,000 $ ! Cela nous permettrait d'investir encore plus dans la réuissite des Jardins et la création d'un système alimentaire véritablement local.
Ce n'est pas trop tard alors de partager la campagne avec vos amis, vos contacts, vos proches. Mais surtout, merci merci merci à vous tous ! Ce n'est pas seulement l'argent, sinon l'appui communautaire pour le projet qui inspire :)
Bien à vous.
Oct 28, 2020
Hello friends! This is it! The last week of the campaign, make-or-break time!
We're so happy to have raised $6,500 so far! Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has given so far!
BUT, that means that we have 8 days left to raise the remaining $5,500! We still need your help! Please help us spread the word so that we can reach our $12,000 goal.
This campaign is ALL OR NOTHING! That means that if we don't hit $12,000, all your donations are returned and we get $0!
So please, take a moment to wrtie a few emails to your friends, families, colleagues, and remind them that a gift to Groundhog Gardens is a concrete gesture toward making a more sustainable food system a reality.
Ça y est, nous sommes rendus à la dernière semaine de notre campagne de sociofinancement !
Nous sommes trop content d'avoir amasser 6,500 $ à date ! Merci à toutes les personnes qui ont fait preuve de solidarité en appuyant les Jardins !
MAIS, il nous 5,500 $ à amasser, et ce dans les 8 prochains jours ! C'est le temps d'écrire à vos amis, à votre famille, à vos collègues, pour leur rappeler que donner aux Jardins de la Marmotte, c'est de participer à la naissance d'un système alimentaire véritablement local et écologique.
Un rappel que cette campagne est "tout ou rien"-- ça veut dire que si nou n'atteignons pas notre cible de base de 12,000 $, tous vos dons sont remboursés et nous recevons 0 $.
Alors ouvrez vos portefeuilles, passez le mot, et nous réusirrons ce premier défi pour les Jardins !
Merci encore ! Ce n'est pas la fin, ce n'est qu'un début !
Oct 21, 2020
Week 2 Done! $6,000 to go! // La deuxième semaine s'achève ! Il nous reste à amasser 6,000$
[français ci-dessous]
Hello friends! Thank you all again so much for your donations so far! We have raised just shy of $6,000 in two weeks-- right on target! But that means we still have to raise $6,000 more in the next two week! Keep spreading the word in your networks, by email, facebook, instagram, whatever it takes to reach the folks who will help make Grounhog Gardens a reality! Thank you all again!
Bonjour les ami.e.s !
Je vous remercie encore une fois de vos contributions aux Jardins de la Marmotte ! Au bout de la deuxième semaine de sociofinancement nous avons amassé juste en dessous de 6,000$ ! Bravo !
Ça voudrait dire qu'il nous reste deux semaines pour amasser le solde de 6,000$ afin qu'on atteigne la cible de base de 12,000$. Continuez alors à passer le mot dans vos réseaux, que ce soit par courriel, sur facebook, instagram etc. pour que la campagne soit une réussite !
Merci encore du fond de mon coeur !
Oct 14, 2020
[français ci-dessous]
Hello friends! One week in and you have helped me raised $3,200! Woohoo! Thank you to everyone who has given so far! We are on target to meet our goal of $12,000 but THERE IS STILL A WAYS TO GO! Please please please SHARE this crowdfunding page with your friends and colleagues, anyone who might want to help out a young farmer! If we all email 3 to 4 people, the chain of giving will keep growing :) The video says it all too (watch for the surprise at the end . . . ):
Âllo les ami.e.s! Ça fait une semaine et nous avons réussi à amasser 3,200 $ ! C'est un très bon début, un gros MERCI à tout le monde pour vos contributions ! MAIS, il reste 8,800 $ à amasser en 3 semaines ! Je vous demande de PARTAGER cette campagne avec vos ami.e.s, vos collègues, n'importe qui qui auraient envie d'appuyer un agriculteur en herbe. Si tout le monde qui lit ce message renvoie ce lien [ startsomegood.com/groundhog-gardens ] par courriel à 3 ou 4 contacts, le réseau de donnateurs continuera à aggrandir et on atteignera rapidement notre cible ! Le vidéo explique tout (petite surprise à la fin . . . ) :
Oct 07, 2020
The campaign is launched! 30 days to raise $12,000 for resilient famring in Bromont!
Hello friends! The Groundhog Gardens crowdfunding campaign is LIVE!
Thank you soo much to those of you who have already given to get things off to a strong start!
If those of you reading this can help out in any way to get the Gardens going, with a donation or even by simply sharing this crowdfunding campaign in your networks, I will be forever grateful.
Farming for a sustainable future starts now!
Love and hugs
Salut les ami.e.s ! La campagne de sociofinancement des Jarinds de la Marmotte est désormais ACTIVE !
Merci à toutes celles et tous ceux qui ont déjà contribué pour bien démarrer la campagne !
Si vous êtes en mesure de contribuer à l'établissement des Jardins, que ce soit avec un don ou tout simplement en partageant cette campagne de sociofinancement dans vos réseaux, j'en serais vraiment très reconaissant :)
Lend a hand by contributing $15 or more and I will mention your name on a thank-you page on the farm's website!
Select Reward
Signed Thank-You Note + A Sticker!
Help the Gardens get going with $25 or more and I'll send you a signed thank-you note and a Groundhog Gardens sitcker featuring our cute mascot.
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Select Reward
Groundhog Gardens Poster
Contribute $50 or more and I'll send you a digital print of a poster designed by your's truly, featuring the Groundhog Gardens logo and that cute groundhog mascot getting into mischief with my bounty of veggies.
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Select Reward
Limited Edition Groundhog Gardens Poster
Contribute $75 or more and I'll send you a limited edition version of the Groundhog Gardens poster, designed and signed by your's truly and hand-printed by a Montreal scennprint artist. Act fast, quantities are limited!
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Select Reward
Organic Cotton Tote Bag
Contribute $100 or more and I'll send you an organic cotton tote bag printed with our cute logo. Perfect for toting your fresh veggies home from the farmer's market!
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Select Reward
The full package
Help me launch the gardens with $250 or more and you'll get all the Groundhog Gardens swag: a thank-you note, a sticker, and a digital print poster all tucked inside an organic cotton tote bag featuring our cute logo. Plus, I'll tuck in a surprise sample of a local, artisanally-produced non-perishable food item.
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Select Reward
The full package + a Farm Tour (for locals) or Garden Consultation
Help us get the veggie party started with a generous contribution of $500 or more and I will happily send you a thank-you note, a sticker, and a digital print poster all tucked inside an organic cotton tote bag featuring our cute logo.
Plus, you will get a personalised tour of the Gardens at the moment of your choice during the 2021 growing season, during which I will happy to answer all your veggie gardening questions!
Not able to come to the farm in Bromont? I will offer you a 2-hour garden consulation over the phone or by Skype/Zoom/etc so you can up your growing game.
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Select Reward
The full package + a CSA discount (for locals) or a Care Package
Help me out with a bountiful contribution of $1,000 and I will be honored to send you a thank-you note, a sticker, and a digital print poster all tucked inside an organic cotton tote bag featuring our cute logo.
Plus, if you are in the Montreal or Bromont areas, it will be my pleasure to share the veggie bounty with you by offering a 35% discount on a CSA share for the 2021 season-- that's a discount of $213 or over 7 weeks' worth of vegetables.
Don't want a CSA share or aren't in Montreal or Bromont? In that case, your tote bag will also include a care package of local non-perishable goods like maple syrup, honey, jam, and more, all from small-scale artisanal producers!
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Select Reward
My business and financial plans!
Starting your own farm or a small-scale agricultural business? Contribute $1,200 or more and I will send you a pdf of my 40-page business plan (in French or English), as well as an Excel file with my 5-year financial plan that you can use to plug your own numbers.
My unique Excel template allows you to enter your sales forecasts, fixed and variable cost estimates, and other business-specific information to help you generate profit/loss forecasts, estimate your loan reimbursement capacity, calculate amortisations and more.
This comes with 2 free hours of business and financial planning coaching. Take advantage of my 5 years of farming experience and my certificate in business planning!