About this campaign…
I believe in the power of engineering to effect social change. But that's not an idea that gets much attention, is it? Doctors Without Borders is well-known, and the legal industry has a good reputation for its pro
bono work defending human rights. But there's plenty of engineering, too, that helps the most disadvantaged people in our society - and the most disadvantaged societies - to meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life.
In fact, when you think about it, all engineering is "humanitarian", isn't it? Or are some kinds more humanitarian than others?
I want to make a documentary that explores these ideas. What does it mean to be a humanitarian engineer? What does humanitarian engineering look like - and what might it not?
Help me throw some light on this issue. Together we can probe what it means to engineer for humanity, celebrate the good that's done by engineers and - perhaps most importantly - spark mainstream dialogue about the
role that engineers and the engineering sector can play in engineering a better world for all humans, regardless of their circumstances.
Breaking down stereotypes about engineering is one outcome, but who knows where else this conversation will take us? A culture of pro bono engineering… A shift in values, in industry self-perception...?
Will you come on this journey with me?