Help us create a life-long learning community for Thai high school and college students through an experiential “Leadership Lab” camp which emphasizes leadership skills and out-of-the-classroom learning.
Asian Leadership Academy (“ALA”) is a learning community for young leaders outside the traditional classrooms. ALA supports experiential learning (learning by doing) by providing students with opportunities to develop leadership and teamwork skills to become
both effective leaders and contributing team members.
ALA is an initiative started by a group of Asian students at Stanford University. We received support from the Stanford GSB’s Center for Social Innovation to execute 2 pilot projects in September 2012; one in Thailand and another in South Korea – both with
overwhelming positive feedback from local students and educational institutions.
Our Concept:
The problem with traditional education by the book is that it is passive. Performance is measured with perfection as a benchmark; those who get it right are rewarded with straight A’s and recognition for intellectual capability.
We honour and respect the classroom system. However, we believe effective learning and leadership skill development needs to go beyond classroom walls.
ALA creates a dynamic community which promotes learning by doing. We extend the concept of learning beyond the classroom walls through our three-prong framework:
1) Design Storming – Generation of ideas and brainstorming processes to unlock creativity,
2) Interpersonal Dynamics - Concepts of team dynamics to maximize team potentials from the perspectives of both a leader and a team member, and
3) Strategic Communication – Strategy on making ideas stick and conveying effective messages.
By supporting ALA’s “Leadership Lab”, you are giving Thai students an access to out-of-the-classroom learning which we believe will allow them to design their path - lead their lives.
Support Asian Leaders of Tomorrow, Today.