Critical Thinking and Secular Ethics in Cambodia

Washington, DCAtheist Alliance International


Raised of $2,241 USD

Successfully funded on Jul 07, 2013
43 supporters


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A personal thank you and a mention on our website as a supporter of this project.

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Previous reward, plus: Free access to the latest online edition of Secular World Magazine.

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A yearly individual membership to AAI including a subscription to AAI's digital edition of Secular World Magazine for that time period and a personal thank you and mention on our website as a supporter of this project.

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A yearly household membership to AAI, including a suscription to AAI's digital edition of "Secular World Magazine", a personal thank you and a mention on our website as a supporter of this project and a prominent mention in "Secular World Magazine' as one of the project's major donors for the next 4 quarterly issues.

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