Training for Change



Raised of $4,500 AUD

Successfully funded on Jan 14, 2014
160 supporters


Select Reward

You become a founding supporter of CounterAct. Big thanks and acknowledgement on social media.

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Select Reward

Thanks and acknowledgment on social media and a home made card posted out to you.

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Select Reward

Thanks, priority access to new training resources, and a place at a full day training in your area. (Subject to reasonable time/location)

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Select Reward

Thanks, priority access to new training resources, and two places to a full day training in your area. (Subject to time/location)

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Select Reward

A half day action planning, or strategy session with a small selection of your group. (Subject to time/location)

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Select Reward

A full days training in your area for 25 participants. (Does not include travel expenses, and will be subject to reasonable timing)

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Select Reward

CounterAct Gold plated supporter! This reward is tax deductible and will be used to sponsor travel & training costs for low income individuals and groups. A special custom made thank you as well!

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