- What are we doing? We're making career coaching more assessable for people who need it but can't afford it. Right now we have a few pro-bono college students we're coaching, but we're at capacity in terms of how much support and attention we're able to give, and how many people we can help. We want to be able to help thousands of people in a pro-bono way or more, not just a few.
- Why are we doing it? Coaching is one of the best ways for anyone to get from where they are to where they want to be. Look at any successful person, and you'll see that they had some sort of coach or mentor helping them out. We believe anyone who wants and needs a coach should be able to get one. In order to make this project possible, and help underprivileged people work with coaches, we need to raise funds.
- Our team: I'm the CEO of the digital marketing agency AdvancedLifeCoachMarketing.com, where I help life coaches build their businesses. What I have is access to a ton of great career, health, and life coaches, and an audience who wants & needs coaching but can't afford it.
- How you can help: Donate to our crowdfunding campaign by selecting a reward from the list on the right. We are very grateful for your support! Get in touch with me if you have any questions!