Soften the Fck Up (Soften TFU) is the first of many campaigns seeking to challenge the stereotype of real men in Australia. Without first shifting the stereotype of "real man" being the alpha, masculine men who don't talk about emotions, we can't reduce the stigma around mental health and all its associated issues in order to increase mental health literacy and promote help-seeking behaviour.
$3,000 Tipping Point Goal
$3000 will be used to register the organisation as well as to cover the cost of the campaign. The other $3000 is for us to extend our work to include other content such as podcast and web videos, and production of promotional materials. The money will also help us to purchase some merchandise like T-shirts to be sold to raise the initial seed capital for the organisation in order for us to run more campaigns such as this and to further our mission, through our work to increase mental health literacy and promote help-seeking; increase social connectedness and community involvement; and reduce stigma of mental health and all its associated issues.
Please note that funds will be accepted by Alex Budak as a US-based representative of Soften the Fck Up.